Analysts Predict App Explosion in 2010

IDC analysts have published a list of predictions for 2010. One of those predictions is that 2010 will be the year of the app. It may seem like apps are ubiquitous now, but if IDC analysts are even half right you haven't seen anything yet.The IDC predictions state "It will be a watershed year in the ascension of mobile devices as strategic platforms for commercial and enterprise developers as over 1 billion access the Internet, iPhone apps triple, Android apps quintuple, and Apple's "iPad" arrives."Stop and think about that for a minute. For Apple to reach 300,000 apps in 2010 it would need to add about 180,000 more than it has now. To achieve that growth over 52 weeks Apple needs to approve 692 apps per day (not including weekends).Apple claims to receive approximately 10,000 new app submissions per week, so the volume is certainly there from a submission standpoint. However, it would seem that Apple will have to significantly streamline and expedite the app approval process if it wants to hit those kinds of lofty numbers.The Android prediction paints a similarly challenging scenario. Android isn't quite to 20,000 apps as of yet, but we'll round up for the sake of math. To add 80,000 additional apps to the Android Market Google needs 307 new apps per day, every day (not including weekends), for 52 weeks.

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