launched as a social networking site has been launched as a social networking site for men and women of Indian origin aged 55 and above living in India and abroad. The website seeks to provide an online platform for members to network, make friends, find partners, meet like-minded people and search for resources.The website is being promoted by a UK-based consultant Ishita Sukhadwala and a Mumbai based film professional Robina Gupta. According to the promoters, the website, which is two months old, has over 250 members from places like Delhi, Gurgaon, Vizag, Hyderabad and Atlanta (US) is divided into two sections: Community and Articles. The Community pages include member listing, chaupal, blogs, groups and agony column. These pages are for registered members only. The Articles section is open to all visitors and covers relevant topics in the areas of technology, relationship, wellness, hobby, money, travel and citizen’s initiative.The website has also got a Job Board which is still in its infancy. The company hopes to attract prospective employers who are actively seeking older employees. Additionally, for its members, the promoters have formed alliances with a couple of health and travel companies and will be adding to the list in the coming months.

News source: alootechie

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