Teens admire Steve Jobs for making the world a better place

According to a survey by Junior Achievement, Steve Jobs is the most admired entrepreneur amongst 35 percent of teenagers, with nearly two-thirds of respondents who chose him saying they did so because he has "made a difference in/improved people's lives or made the world a better place."Eighty-Five percent of those who selected Oprah Winfrey, who came second to Jobs with 25 percent, said they chose her for the same reason.The survey, carried out by Junior Achievement, an organization that educates students on future employment and entrepreneurship, asked 1000 12-to-17 year-olds to choose who their favourite entrepreneurs were and why. The list of celebrities to choose from focused on those who had started businesses themselves, as opposed to licensing their name.Perhaps surprisingly, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerburg came low, with only 10 percent of teens choosing him despite the huge popularity of the social networking website.

News source: neowin

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